SkyWest Flies Children to the North Pole

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For five years running, SkyWest has partnered up with the COS community to bring the North Pole to 50 underprivileged Colorado Springs children. In past years, this event has been a huge success, and this year was no different.

Pure joy and merriment spilled from the airport as the 50 excited little passengers filed onto the aircraft, ready to experience the miracle of flight for the first time. The sound of jubilant chatter and 50 tray tables opening and closing turned to silent anticipation as the plane pushed back from the gate and took off for a 30-minute flight to the “North Pole.” While in the air, the children sang holiday songs, answered airplane trivia and enjoyed taking every item out of their seat back pockets.

When asked by Monique Borrero-Rivera-FA, COS, “Who knows how many miles per hour this plane travels at?” One little boy enthusiastically yelled, “Seventy six miles per hour!” A collective gasp was heard throughout the plane as they learned of the CRJ700s traveling speed of 515 miles per hour. 

Once at the “North Pole,” they were greeted by Santa’s elves and reunited with their parents. Whether they were wearing jeans and T-shirts, Christmas pajamas or in the case of one boy, a finely tailored suit, all of the children wore eager smiles as they lined up against the window waiting for Santa’s helicopter to land. Once he had made his way inside the workshop, the children each had a turn telling the big guy their Christmas wishes.

The evening continued with presents, treats and more holiday activities. Around 8 p.m. the kids ventured back home, with an unforgettable experience to be cherished for years to come.