SkyWest Mini Indy Races to Help Those in Needed

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Mini Indy 2015

For the 15th year, dozens of teams revved up their go-karts and raced around the twists and turns of the “Ridgetop Raceway” at the SkyWest Mini Indy. While some were lucky enough to walk away with a new trophy, the real winner is clear: thousands of people living in Southern Utah.

“SkyWest believes in supporting the communities where our more than 10,000 employees live and work, and Mini Indy has been a big part of that tradition now for 15 years,” said Mike Thompson, SkyWest Airlines COO.

Mini Indy is a unique event that brings businesses from around the world and hundreds of their employees to St. George, Utah to help those in need. Money raised from race entries and sponsorships is all donated to the United Way Dixie, which helps support 17 local charities like Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah and the DOVE Center.

“Without the generosity of our sponsors involved in Mini Indy, we would not be able to fund the agencies that provide important human services to our neighbors in need,” said Rebekah Pectol, administrator, United Way Dixie.

Since its inception, Mini Indy has raised nearly $1 million to help those living in Southern Utah. But it’s impossible to track the countless individuals who have benefited from this impressive race. Visit for more information about Mini Indy 2015, including race results and statistics.